PBI Teams Up With Larkin Street Youth Services
Principal Builders & Perkins+Will Help LSYS' Space Meet Their Wishes
“We were really motivated to work with Perkins+Will on the Larkin Street Youth Services based on LSYS’ holistic youth program. LSYS doesn’t stop at providing a bed to sleep in – they assist with reengaging their youth into education and employment programs while nurturing their health and wellness via an in-house medical clinic. Further into project discussions, we learned that the center’s youth body had voted and personally selected what upgrades they wanted to see in the building. The first of which being a transgender restroom.
It has been great working with an organization that allows those within the program to help direct what they desired within the buildout – empowering them in the process toward other life aspirations.”
– Sean Puterbaugh, Principal Builders, Assistant Project Manager
For full story on LSYS’ space, click here.
By Tessa McWalters on November 28, 2017
Category: Principal Builders Updates